Friday, December 11, 2009

30 days to go!

We've almost made it to 31 weeks and hopefully we'll make it to 35.  I can't believe how fast it's going!  The babies are all doing really well and have repositioned themselves to be head down again... I think they've figured out that if they are all in the same position they are less likely to get kicked in the face.

Last week I started to show some early signs of preeclampsia... apparently Fred Flintstone swapped feet with me. It's a little baffling that my feet and hands can be swollen since I'm laying on my side all day. Fortunately, I don't have high blood pressure or any of the other major indicators, so for now it's just another thing my doctors will keep a close eye on.

Since I see my belly every day it doesn't seem that big to me, but when I go to these Dr appointments I realize my perception must be a little skewed... I get these funny looks and whispers from people in the elevators...and I simply respond with, 'There's 3'...they usually respond with either 'AHHHHHHHH' or 'HOLY SHIT'...but all always look terrified. What can I do but laugh?!

I'm excited to share that Dustin and Heather (my brother and sister-in-law) are expecting a GIRL in May. Will and I will then have 2 nieces and 3 nephews (all under the age of 3). Next year's holidays are certainly going to be fun.. and this year's holidays spent on bedrest will be a distant memory!

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