Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Growth Spurt

We had a great 25 week appointment with the Perinatologist today.  The trio had a growth spurt!  Each baby is getting close to 2 pounds with baby A measuring the largest and baby B measuring the smallest.  During the sonogram, they were all 'head down' so we were able to get a pretty funny view of all 3 of their heads side by side by side. 
It's just baffles me to think about what it's like for the babies to hear not just my heartbeat, but each others too... and what it's like for them to feel each other kicking and stretching all day long.  We'll be really lucky if they like each other someday!
As for me, my belly is measuring larger than full term... and as our doctor reminded me today, "you're just starting to really grow".  hmmm, looking forward to finding out what that really means...

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