Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Family Trip Part 1: South Dakota

We did it!  We went on our first family trip and it went better than I ever could have hoped it would.  We flew to Omaha where Uncle Dustin and Aunt Heather greeted us with lots of hugs and a minivan full of carseats. We then made the 3 hour drive to Sioux Falls to stay with our dear friends Connie & Greg and their 2 little ones, George and Ainsley for 5 days.
         We checked 3 suitcases for an 11 day trip - this was a big deal for us as we packed in 2 carry-on suitcases for our 3 week wedding/honeymoon in Belize...turns out it's pretty convenient checking a suitcase. Anyway, we were impressed with how gracious everyone was to us throughout the whole journey.  While waiting at our gate we met the sweetest set of triplets - 2/3 of a set anyway. 2 girls were flying in to spend the weekend with their other third, as they called him.  It was so fun to hear their stories of what it was like growing up as a triplet. I hope our 3 have such positive things to say about their childhood someday!
Oscar was a little stunned when he woke up from his nap.

We spent most of our time inside being entertained by the kids and enjoying C's fantastic cooking - perfect vacation to me!  Grandma Sheils even came by for a visit to make it complete. I think George was happy to sneak in a few extra snacks when our kids were eating.  Next time we're together Ainsley will be joining them at the table.

WG and George both displayed a great deal of patience during this interaction.  Later that day WG let George push her around in his block cart.
The boys needed some time outside one icy morning. Oscar had a blast zipping down the drive way in a box. George was giving his dad a hand up the slippery slope.
Fred, a friend since college, was in town from Minneapolis - I haven't seen him in a couple years, so it was great to spend some time with him too. Thankfully he loves kids!  G was posing for the camera and was making Fred pose too.
that's right Oscar, load the dishes
do these make my feet look big?
Ainsley and Lainey looking as sweet at they really are.
and finally our attempts at a group shot
No, this post isn't over yet!  During our time in SD we drove up to Brookings where my best childhood friend lives.  Amie and Travis just welcomed their 3rd baby, Coen.  We were so fortunate to be able to spend time with them and meet their new little guy...and even see Amie's mom Gloria.  Lydia was so helpful with the babies while Maxwell kept everyone entertained. Oscar was all giggles zooming around with Travis on this car.
stay tuned for Family Trip Part 2: Nebraska

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