Tuesday, October 5, 2010

9 months on 9.29

Here we are at 9 months already.  As we hit the 29th of every month and wonder where the time has gone, we also realize just how much easier life has become.  This month, though, we aren't quite sure that's the case.  Willie Grace officially started crawling and 2 days later, Oscar followed her lead... so having 2 crawlers who dart across the room (and off the bed and towards the stairs and into the dogs' water bowl) in a flash has changed things.  And that's just 2 out of the 3.  We can only hope Lainey stays immobile for a little while longer.  Given her personality, we don't think that will be a problem.
The 9 month weigh-in:
Lainey - 20.1 pounds, 75th percentile height, weight
Oscar - 20 pounds, 50th percentile height, weight
Willie Grace - 17.7 pounds, 25 percentile for weight, 50th percentile for height
They were so happy eating paper at pediatricians office

I'm so proud to see them sitting up on this exam table...  at their first visit here, they were still less than 5 pounds.

A few weeks ago I stopped breastfeeding the babies so I guess you could say that I am finally starting to feel like me again.  I'm not really sure what I thought it would be like pumping/breastfeeding triplets for almost 9 months, but I now know that I can pretty much do anything.

Anyway, these little monkeys have always been very good eaters so it's no surprise that they are gobbling up almost anything I put in front of them.  Tortillas and scrambled eggs have been the favorite foods of the week...oh and cucumbers, but blueberries and carrots are way more fun to photograph.
Lainey, my little helper
this little man is something else
Willie Grace prefers to feed herself big kid food. Apparently baby food is for babies. She's pretty sure she's 6.
Lainey looks so innocent and unintentional when she drops something...of course she is just testing to see if we will pick it up again and again... and again.
It finally cooled off here so we've been spending a lot of time outside

Oscar is learning a tough lesson that he has to share the swing
my boys


  1. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    you have such a beautiful family!!

  2. I love "my boys"--- their face says it all. They were defeated at that moment--- I think this face might reappear on a regular basis with so many ladies in the house, thinking that they run the show. I love the ever evolving outside playscape. Ya'll are the best to be thinking ahead like you are. What a dynamic duo for this trio!
