Sunday, July 18, 2010

like real little people

We all survived the first 6 months!  The weigh in:
Lainey: 18 pounds - 75th percentile for height and weight
Oscar: 17 1/2 pounds - 50th percentile for height and weight
Willie Grace: 16 pounds - 25th percentile for height and weight
I am proud to say that they are all rolling over, sitting up with no help for a few minutes at a time, saying maaaamaaamma, jumping like crazy monkeys and all the other exciting 6 month old stuff.
As their dad says, "it's like they're real little people now".

Will and I have realized that life will never be as easy as it is right now so we are savoring every day that the babies sleep 11-12 hours a night, take 3 good naps and do NOT crawl or walk.
mesmerized by the dogs

Now that they are 6 months old, the babies have also started eating some 'real' food and testing out sippy cups.
Meal time is no small affair around here, but it's a lot of fun.
Lainey waiting her turn

This series was supposed to be in the stripes post...
better late than never!

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