Tuesday, March 9, 2010

big changes at 10 weeks

Will has stepped down from his position as the family blogger.. so not only did I go back to work this week, I also took on the job of blogging again. Seriously, if only we could buy time and sleep.
Going back to work at the hospital this week was incredibly hard. I wish I could have been at home longer, but being on bed rest for 10 weeks prior to the babies' arrival cut my leave short. There have been many tears shed... to my surprise they've only been from me, not the babies.
We were lucky to find a wonderful nanny, Myra (thanks Anne!) who takes care of the babies 4 days a week while I am at work. She is super sweet with the babies and is very patient with Will so I think she is going to work out great.

Will takes a shot at feeding all 3 at once.  This only works for a few minutes before it's time to burp.

I just can't get enough of these sweet moments

Someday we will get a picture of them with their eyes open
What is it about babies feet?!
After going for a walk they were exhausted!
Willie Grace and Lainey did not like this round of pictures. 
Poor Oscar was almost eaten by Lainey!


  1. Yay for new pictures! They are just incredible and growing so much! Hugs to you Mama and lots of love to the Davis bunch. XOXOXOX
